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제17회 서울디자인페스티벌
2018-12-12(Wed) ~ 2018-12-16(Sun) / 5일간 English Translation Simplified Chinese Translation Japanese Translation French Translation Russian Translation
장소 서울 강남구 삼성동 159
주최 디자인하우스
주관 월간디자인
문의전화 02-2262-7199
공식사이트 http://seoul.designfestival.co.kr/
분류 문화/예술
태그 행복이가득한집,Seoul Design Festival,디자인하우스,한국디자인진흥원,럭셔리 
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모레 (10월 24일 목요일)
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제17회 서울디자인페스티벌 
Seoul Design Festival 2018

Seoul Design Festival is a design-specialized exhibition based on contents accumulated by Monthly since 1976 and networks of domestic and foreign design industry. The first Seoul Design Festival was held in 2002. Seoul Design Festival is designed to enhance design competitiveness of domestic and foreign brands by showing design trends along with corporate brands with the motto “Designer Promotion.” Also, it has been grown into a place of exchange to support domestic designers’ expansion to the world and introduce world designers to the domestic market.

Through Seoul design festival, a total of 1,200 brands have successfully promoted their own brands and over 2,700 designers were discovered and introduced. Particularly, the largest number of 95 thousand people visited 2017 Seoul Design Festival in five days, so that it proved itself as the leading and influential event in the Korean design industry.

As such, Seoul Design Festival has grown into a festival as a stepping stone for Korean designers toward the world and a gate for world’s designers toward the Korean market. Along with the festival, design seminar with global star designers will be held and “Seoul Design Spot” program which discovers and introduces attractive and hidden design spots in Seoul. Charming streets and alleys in Seoul will present spectacular scenes of design.

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  댓글공유 URL : https://bit.ly/3uUUf 
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축제정보 최종수정일: 2018-12-1201:11:06  TheFestival   축제정보수정 요청
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